This is just a quick post to let you know about a project I am doing with my class. Instead of the typical countdown calendar to Christmas, we are doing 24 Random Acts of Christmas Kindness (RACK).
This ties in well with our focus on paying it forward and creating a kindness explosion. You can read about that in my earlier post Paying It Forward. I have created a product and posted it in my TpT store so that others may do the same if they wish. Just click on the image above to get your copy. It is available for free for this season.
It is becoming more and more obvious that not all children are able to effectively demonstrate their knowledge through written reports and essays. They find tests to be difficult and often are unable to correctly answer questions. They write minimally and therefore it is not a clear indicator or evaluation of their understanding.
I have found that by providing at least one project per term, many of my students have been able to share their knowledge through other means. They are thrilled to present to parents and students during our celebration days and they have surprised older students and teachers in the intermediate grades with how much they know. They are proud of their projects and they find that having a variety of choices for presenting allows them to choose something they can be successful with. The photos on this page show five of the different projects that I have used in the past. How are you using project-based learning?
I would love to find out what others are doing with projects in their classrooms.
This is a poster I created to show my students just how quickly we could create an explosion of kindness. I originally made one using poppies for my Remembrance Day/Veterans Day package, but I wanted to have one that could be used any time of the year, so I created this one using kids. It is available in my TpT store. Click here or on the image to get a copy.
Today is Remembrance Day in Canada and Veterans Day in the USA. Don't forget to honor our veterans by taking a moment to remember. Here is my poppy version of Paying It Forward. In honor of our veterans, let's start a kindness explosion.
November 11th is a special day, because it marks the end of war for many countries. We have peace and freedom because of the veterans that served in the military to protect us. We take a few moments to remember, but they gave up years and livelihoods to serve their countries. Many people continue to serve their countries today to help others find peace.
In order to help my students understand more about Remembrance Day, I created a presentation last year that included some videos and information. I showed them to my students today and the responses were very respectful and serious. They were very engaged in the messages that were given and they spent the day humming some of the tunes. This presentation is available for free in my TpT store. It is in 2 versions: a Smartboard version, and a pdf version.
I wanted my students to have other ways to reflect on the importance of remembering our veterans, so I created a new package for this year. Here are some sample pages from it. This package features posters and activities that can be used for Veterans Day as well as Remembrance Day. I have already used some of them and the kids have created thoughtful poems and engaged in great discussions as a result. This resource is available in my TpT store. Click on the image to check it out.
We have November 11th off as a holiday so that we can go and pay respect to our veterans by attending the memorial service downtown at the cenotaph. In order to celebrate and remember as a school, we have an assembly just before November 11th. This year it will be on Friday morning and we will have our moment of silence at 11:00 a.m. Different groups will be presenting and we will have the Last Post played.
I would love to hear about what you do with your students to show respect and teach them about the contributions our veterans made for us. |
About Me Charlene Sequeira
I am a wife, mother of 4, grandmother of 9, and a retired primary and music teacher. I love working with kids and continue to volunteer at school and teach ukulele. Categories