This has been a time of thoughtfulness, caring, and remembering. In my class, we have spent the last week talking about veterans and about peace and freedom that we gained because of their sacrifices. My heart was warmed when students began to make connections and share what they had learned with others. Here are some models that they created at home and brought to school for sharing after we talked about Flanders Fields and poppies.
Here are some poems they wrote about poppies and why we wear them on November 11th. They also colored this picture of the last post.
Here are some posters that were created using 3 or more pictures that were the choice of the student. They were asked to design a poster for Remembrance Day. I was very impressed with the results. The thoughtfulness was very moving.
Today we had the day off and the opportunity to visit the cenotaph and participate in the Remembrance Day ceremony. The legion put together the celebration and the various organizations participated in a parade and the laying of the wreaths.
The cadets from the various military groups stood guard at the 4 corners of the cenotaph. The girls guides, brownies, boys scouts and cubs placed poppies on the cenotaph and the various organizations and military groups laid wreaths around the cenotaph after the ceremony ended.
I loved seeing the children placing their poppies. Several of my students had this opportunity. I know that it really meant something to them.
Thank you for sharing this time with me. Heartfelt thanks go out to all the veterans, and their families, and friends. Words cannot express what your sacrifices have meant to all of us.
,Remembrance Day is a special time for remembering our veterans and those whose are currently serving in the military to allow us to live in a country that is free from war. Many of us never had to experience times of war and it is a difficult concept for some children to understand. All they know is what is shown and dramatized on television and in movies and video games.
This year, we were given a glimpse of what it might have been like when a soldier was killed while standing guard at the tomb of the unknown soldier. It was a sober reminder that, although we are a country at peace, many others are not and we need to continue to protect our country and help others protect theirs. During the last few years, I have spent several days prior to November 11 sharing information, stories, videos, and songs with my students. I feel that it is important that they understand that they can make a difference. I also focus on acts of kindness and bucket filling throughout this time. It is a natural thing to continue to discuss this as we begin talking about it right at the beginning of the year. We discuss being thankful and caring at Thanksgiving, and then we continue to focus on peaceful and caring things we can do during November. That makes it easy to think of others when it comes to Christmas time as well.
This is an important time for many others as well. In Canada we call it Remembrance Day, but in other places it may be call Veterans Day or Memorial Day. The message still rings true no matter what the name. We have freedom because of the selfless acts of our veterans and military. I created these products for my students with that in mind.
I love the symbolism of the poppy. It really helps us to remember our veterans and it is always connected to November 11. I think it is great to reflect on the fact that it is the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month that we celebrate this time.
I love helping my students to understand how acts of kindness can make a difference. This poster shows how dramatic this can be if one person shares 3 acts of kindness and they continue to do the same.
This is one of the first products I made. I did a version for the Smartboard and a pdf version. It is still one of my favourites because it uses some video clips that are very powerful and it helps in explaining what we are trying to remember.
This is an attendance activity for the Smartboard. It is a fun way to sign in when arriving in the morning. You can change the names to fit your class. There are 30 poppies. The poppies will fly off the page. Just click on the image to get your free copy.
I hope that you will find this time of remembrance to be thought provoking and special as you share with your students. I know it is always a special time of sharing and discussion in my classroom.
As November 11th approaches, I wish to say thank you to all the veterans in my community, as well as my country and beyond, for your selfless efforts to obtain and maintain peace around the world.
About Me Charlene Sequeira
I am a wife, mother of 4, grandmother of 9, and a retired primary and music teacher. I love working with kids and continue to volunteer at school and teach ukulele. Categories