November 11, known as Remembrance Day or Veterans Day, is a time to remember the brave people who have fought to protect our freedom. In school, it’s important to help students understand why we honor this day and teach them about the importance of peace and kindness. It’s also important to make sure all students, including those who may have come to our country as refugees, feel safe and included during these conversations. Why we rememberOn Remembrance Day and Veterans Day, we often think about the soldiers who fought in World War I and World War II, which happened many years ago. But it’s important for students to know that wars are still happening around the world today, and people are still fighting to protect freedom. There are soldiers right now who are working to keep people safe, and there are families who have left their homes because of war. This is why we remember—not just for the past, but for the present and the future, too. Talking about these ideas can be difficult for students, especially those who may have experienced war or had to leave their home countries as refugees. It’s important to create a classroom environment where all students feel cared for and supported. Classroom Activities to Celebrate Remembrance Day/Veterans DayHere are some simple and meaningful activities to help students understand the importance of November 11, while making sure everyone feels welcome. Two Minutes of Silence At 11:00 a.m., many people stay silent for two minutes to honor those who fought in wars. It’s a time to think about peace and those who help protect it. Let students know it’s okay if they feel quiet or even sad during this moment. I used to play the video A Pittance Of Time by Terry Kelly for my class that focuses on this idea. Poppy Art The red poppy is a symbol of Remembrance Day. Students can create their own poppy art projects using paper, markers, or paint. Explain how the poppy helps us remember soldiers who fought in wars. This can also be a good time to talk about how people are still fighting for peace today and why we need to support each other, including people who have come to our country to be safe. Reading Stories Share simple stories about bravery, friendship, and helping others. Some stories might be about soldiers, while others could talk about kindness to people who are in need, including refugees. This helps students understand that we can all make a difference by being kind and caring toward others. Peace Doves Students can create peace doves to display in the classroom. Talk about what peace means and how we can work for peace in our own lives. Explain that welcoming people who are affected by war is one way we can show kindness and help bring peace to the world. Writing Letters Encourage students to write letters of thanks to soldiers or veterans. You can also have students write welcome letters to refugees or new families who have joined the school, showing that they are part of the community and that everyone cares about them. Class Wreath Work together to create a class wreath using paper poppies. Each student can write a message of peace or hope on their poppy. Make sure these messages include thoughts about being kind and helping others, especially those who are new to the country or affected by war. Talk About Peace Have a class discussion about what peace means and how we can all work toward peace. Encourage students to think of ways they can be peacemakers in school, at home, and in their communities. Talk about how helping refugees and being kind to people who are different from us is a way to spread peace. Here is a writing page that might be helpful. Check out this blog post for how I used it. For more resources, check out my Remembrance Day/Veterans Day category in my TPT store. For students who may have experienced war, like those who came to the country as refugees, these conversations can bring up difficult feelings. It’s important to let them know they are safe and give them space to share their feelings if they want. Showing kindness and understanding will help them feel included and valued. By doing these activities, you’re helping students learn about the importance of remembering those who fought for freedom, while also teaching them to care for others and work toward peace. November 11 is not just a day to look back at the past, but also to think about how we can create a better future together. Related PostsA Time To RememberThis is one of my favorite times of the year at school. It is a time to remember, focus on kindness and gratitude, and prepare for giving and sharing. With the arrival of fall, Thanksgiving is on the horizon, and Christmas is not too far behind. The summer has ended and the excitement of back to school is still in the air. Along with all the times of thankfulness, we need to remember what sacrifices were made for some of the things we take for granted. Because of those who fought for our freedom, we are able to live a peaceful existence. Not everyone is that fortunate. As November nears, it is important to think about our veterans and remember. November 11th is a day set aside for remembrance, but we need to remember throughout the year. This is a good time to start talking about gratitude, peace, and being kind to one another. Preparing For November 11In the weeks leading up to Remembrance Day or Veterans Day, there are many different activities and discussions that can be part of the school day. There are different points of focus that can be used, but I feel that the more we can help kids to connect with ways they can continue to promote peace and kindness the more likely we are to help them understand that they can make a difference. I have always found music to be a great way to connect with kids. I used them in my classroom for meaningful talks and discussion. They focus on peace, being special, and the part of peace in the world. They also help us to remember to take time to remember those who fought for our peace. Writing poems about peace and creating posters and drawings that show ways we can spread peace and kindness to others is something else that can be done as a lead up to November 11. These can be shared in assemblies, on bulletin boards, and in newsletters. Practicing acts of kindness and sharing moments of gratitude are also great ways to demonstrate how kids can help make peace a reality. Resources for RemembranceHere are some different resources that might help with preparing for Remembrance Day and Veterans Day. Related PostsThis is the time for remembering our veterans. Halloween is over and Thanksgiving and Christmas are not far away. Here in Canada, we have already celebrated Thanksgiving. It is with gratitude that we should be thinking of our veterans and the sacrifices they made for our freedom. We are blessed if we live in a country where freedom is available for everyone. This is huge and we need to always remember that there are many places where this is not true. November 11th is a day dedicated to our veterans for a time of remembrance. In 1918 at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month the Armistice agreement was signed that ended the first world war. We dedicate that time each year to a ceremony of Remembrance. In Canada, we celebrate Remembrance Day, and in the USA, they celebrate Veterans Day. Our celebrations may differ slightly, but they are similar in one respect. They are a day to give thanks and remember. This year things will be different. Many places will be celebrating virtually because of the pandemic. That doesn't mean we won't be taking the time to remember, it just means we may need to do it online or through a television broadcast. It is important that we still take the time. Because it was so long ago, many of us don't really understand just how much sacrifice our veterans made for us. It is through stories, interviews, and research that we learn this. When we see and hear of other countries that are still in a war zone, it is hard to truly understand what they are going through. We have so much to be thankful for. In the week leading up to Remembrance Day, there are many opportunities to focus on this and share stories and information to help our students understand. This is a great time to do writing activities, reflections, posters, etc. One of my favourite things to do was introduce songs of peace and remembrance to my students. I liked to focus on acts of kindness and peace. This is something that children can be a part of and they can understand that they can make a difference even now. Here is a poster I created to show them that one person can make a difference by sharing acts of kindness with others. This can create an explosion of kindness and peace. Here are some other things that I created that can be used to help children understand and give thanks to our veterans. Check out my Remembrance Day/Veterans Day category in my TPT store. Thank you to all our veterans and to those who continue to fight for peace and freedom. For free resources, tips, and ideas, sign up for my newsletter. Related Posts
One hundred years ago at 11:00 on the eleventh day of the eleventh month, (November 11, 1918), World War 1 ended. This was known as Armistice Day. Many countries observe this day as a day of remembrance for all of the people who fought for our freedom. In Canada, ceremonies are held all over the country. Over time, veterans of other wars have been included in the memorials. It is important that we teach our children about this day and what it means. Many people have never experienced war and its devastation. We don't truly appreciate the freedom that was given to us because of the sacrifice of our veterans. Many people treat November 11 as a day off. It is my hope that we can remind people to take a few moments to remember and thank our veterans. Related Posts
As we come to the end of October, it is time to think about the many things we can be thankful for. We are blessed to live in a country where freedom is available for everyone. This is huge and we need to always remember that there are many places where this is not true. I have been retired for 2 years now, but I still volunteer at the school and I like to be able to participate in the Remembrance Day assembly and some of the activities leading up to it in the classrooms. It is so heartwarming to see that the teachers are still spending a significant amount of time sharing this important message with children. In Canada, we celebrate Remembrance Day, and in the USA, they celebrate Veterans Day. Our celebrations may differ slightly, but they are similar in one respect. They are a day to give thanks and remember. We have freedom because of the actions taken by our veterans. We would not have that luxury if it wasn't for their sacrifices both many years ago and still today. War is a reality in many countries and it is important that our students understand this. War is not a glamorized video game or action movie, it is a dangerous and painful situation that many children live with every day. They also need to see that they are able to do something to help make a difference even as children. I hope that these thoughts will be helpful for you as you prepare to share this important time with you classes. If you would like some more materials to use in your classroom, check out the Remembrance Day/Veterans Day category in my TPT store. Related Posts
It is hard to believe that it has been almost 100 years since World War 1 ended and 71 years since World War 2 ended. That means that most of us who are alive now never knew what it was like to live during war time. Most of our veterans have left us now and we only have stories and their memories to remind us of all that was sacrificed in order for us to have our freedom today. It is very important that we share those stories and memories with our students so that we never take for granted what we have been given. With all the glorified movies and video games presented to us, we don't really understand the pain and anguish that was caused for families and the nightmares that our veterans had to endure. When we think of Remembrance Day and Veterans Day, we should think about what we have gained from their sacrifices. We need to teach our children about the meaning of Peace. Not only do we need to talk about it, we need to model it. Many children live in situations that are not necessarily peaceful. School should be a safe place for them where they can feel at peace. Many families have relatives or friends who are in the service now, or who served in some of the more recent wars and battles around the world. We need to think about them too. They are fighting battles that aren't even their own to give others freedom and a safe place to live. I am retired now, but while I was teaching, I spent a lot of time on this subject because I felt it was more that just a one day thing that we recognized every year. Here is a blog post from last year that shares some of the things we did in the past years. I had the opportunity to work with another teacher 's class last year and share this special topic with them. Here is the recap of that time. Thank you for taking the time to reflect on this important moment in time.
As we approach November 11, we focus on peace around the world. Children often feel that they can't do much to make a difference in the world. This is where we can help them to understand that they are the key to peace. In the movie Pay It Forward, a class was challenged to come up with a change they could make in the world. This is when the idea of paying it forward was made popular. One boy's idea had the potential to change the world and make it a better place for many people. Here's a poster I made that shows what he was talking about. Click on the image to get a copy. Doing acts of kindness is a perfect way for children to help make positive changes in the world. Friendship is one way of sharing peace and spreading positive feelings. What better way to remember those who fought to give us peace than to spread peace to others through friendship.
As we get closer to Christmas, thinking about giving instead of getting is another way that we can spread goodwill and cheer to others around us. We have been blessed with many things. Here is hoping that we can help to bless others by sharing peace and kindness. |
About Me Charlene Sequeira
I am a wife, mother of 4, grandmother of 9, and a retired primary and music teacher. I love working with kids and continue to volunteer at school and teach ukulele. Categories